Daily Quality Control
12 Feb 2025 05:14 UTC 2025043+05:14 UTC
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042: Nueces Delta 2

27° 53' 19" N   97° 34' 10" W
The Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program

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2025036+1431 (active, hmahlke)
bat : 2025023+1730,now (01/23/2025 17:30 - 02/12/2025 05:14) :

battery voltage dropping. Edited for time correction and to note something fuckey going on. Batt voltage and water depth are eerily similar in values and trending the same. More in depth investigation needed, but most likely needs panel and regulator. EDIT: I believe parameter listing of the sensor is incorrect and depth is reading the sensor battery voltage

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Station water depth is an imprecise measurement. It is based on mounting the sensor approximately 9 inches from seafloor and adjusting data based on a contemporaneous lead line measurement.
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