Daily Quality Control
10 Feb 2025 01:30 UTC 2025041+01:30 UTC
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277: Corpus Christi Meteorological Cedar Pass

27° 41' 6" N   97° 25' 0" W
City of Corpus Christi Salinity Monitoring Salinity

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  Alert Count Station ID Age By Alert message
alert alert 4 277 - CCWXCP 19:00 sonpoll sonpoll: (ipmodem) ?error when Wait[ing] for sysread(): Connection reset by peer
warn data 6 277 - CCWXCP 01:41 cdlscan ?Found secondary table entry (Table2) at 1424 (0,3,5) after primary (Table1), skipping remainder of poll
noise retry 3 277 - CCWXCP 1+02:41 sonpoll ?could not connect to ip modem...retry 1
alert connect 1 277 - CCWXCP 1+21:41 sonpoll ?too many retries connecting to ip modem...abort
alert decoder 588 277 - CCWXCP 00:41 cdlscan ?times associated with series rlh are too far in the future (gmt=1739149200, delta=665) and will not be imported


2025038+1426 (active, hmahlke)
wdr : 2025038+0000,now (02/07/2025 00:00 - 02/10/2025 01:30) :

timing problem with wind direction specifically, dont have an exact start time. Does the sensor require time??

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