Daily Quality Control
27 Jul 2024 00:22 UTC 2024209+00:22 UTC
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127: GBRA Station #1

28° 15' 35" N   96° 46' 25" W
Guadalupe Blanco River Authority (GBRA) GBRA

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  Alert Count Station ID Age By Alert message
noise retry 122 127 - GBRA1 00:15 sonpoll ?could not connect to ip modem...retry 1
alert connect 56 127 - GBRA1 00:14 sonpoll ?too many retries connecting to ip modem...abort
alert alert 56 127 - GBRA1 00:14 sonpoll ?unable to open ipmodem ... skipped
warn data 114210 127 - GBRA1 00:03 cdlscan ?Number of data values in record #7273 does not match number of header columns (expected 10, saw 9)


2024152+1519 (acknowledged, dpetter1)
bat : 2024111+0900,now ( - 07/27/2024 00:22) :

Sontek battery voltage is starting to drop below 12v.

2024152+1521 (gap, dpetter1)
spcon,sat,wtp,do,ph,dth,trb,sal : 2024128+0218,2024144+2218 (05/07/2024 02:18 - 05/23/2024 22:18) :

Datasonde was not actively reporting data.

2024152+1522 (gap, dpetter1)
sal : 2024128+0218,2024151+1830 (05/07/2024 02:18 - 05/30/2024 18:30) :

Gap in salinity data

2024180+1358 (acknowledged, dpetter1)
sal,spcon,dth,wtp,ph,trb,do,sat : 2024155+0524,2024178+1748 (06/03/2024 05:24 - 06/26/2024 17:48) :

Datasonde was not actively reporting data.

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