Daily Quality Control
27 Jul 2024 03:47 UTC 2024209+03:47 UTC
Overview Datums Bench Marks Data Query Site Visit Daily QC Messages Attributes
076: SALT05
Nueces River
27° 53' 30" N   97° 36' 37" W
City of Corpus Christi Salinity Monitoring Salinity

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  Alert Count Station ID Age By Alert message
warn data 163 076 - SALT05 00:02 cdlscan ?No match for series and unit (Manta20SerialNum) in Manta20SerialNum column header
noise retry 58 076 - SALT05 07:47 sonpoll ?could not connect to ip modem...retry 1
alert connect 28 076 - SALT05 07:46 sonpoll ?too many retries connecting to ip modem...abort
alert alert 33 076 - SALT05 07:46 sonpoll ?unable to open ipmodem ... skipped


2024142+2155 (acknowledged, dpetter1)
sal,spcon : 2024079+1318,2024099+1436 (03/19/2024 13:18 - 04/08/2024 14:36) :

Salinity and conductivity spiked and were holding at 1000000.

2024142+2155 (acknowledged, dpetter1)
do : 2024088+0112,2024099+1430 (03/28/2024 01:12 - 04/08/2024 14:30) :

DO values suspect.

2024142+2155 (acknowledged, dpetter1)
do,sat : 2024117+0800,2024123+2042 (04/26/2024 08:00 - 05/02/2024 20:42) :

Suspect DO values before the last inspection and datasonde swap.

2024142+2141 (active, dpetter1)
do : 2024128+1242,now (05/07/2024 12:42 - 07/27/2024 03:47) :

DO values suspect (Value keeps dropping to zero)

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