Daily Quality Control
27 Jul 2024 06:58 UTC 2024209+06:58 UTC
Overview Datums Bench Marks Data Query Site Visit Daily QC Messages Attributes
074: SALT03
Nueces Bay
27° 51' 5" N   97° 28' 55" W
City of Corpus Christi Salinity Monitoring Salinity

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  Alert Count Station ID Age By Alert message
alert alert 600 074 - SALT03 00:50 sonpoll ?unable to open ipmodem ... skipped
noise retry 1218 074 - SALT03 00:51 sonpoll ?could not connect to ip modem...retry 1
alert connect 524 074 - SALT03 00:50 sonpoll ?too many retries connecting to ip modem...abort
warn data 15 074 - SALT03 3+12:44 cdlscan ?Sensor reporting NAN for series wtp


2024142+2152 (acknowledged, dpetter1)
do : 2024111+0618,2024111+0700 ( - 04/20/2024 06:18) :

DO Values suspect.

2024142+2154 (acknowledged, dpetter1)
do : 2024112+0212,2024112+0306 (04/21/2024 02:12 - 04/21/2024 03:06) :

DO values suspect.

2024142+2154 (acknowledged, dpetter1)
do,sat : 2024114+0000,2024141+0100 (04/23/2024 00:00 - 05/20/2024 01:00) :

Suspect DO data spikes

2024180+1356 (acknowledged, dpetter1)
ph : 2024123+1630,2024176+1700 (05/02/2024 16:30 - 06/24/2024 17:00) :

pH values suspect after May 2nd site visit, possibly a bad pH probe on datasonde. Data is still bad after 5/13 visit.

2024158+1636 (active, dpetter1)
do,sat : 2024158+0500,2024158+1618 (06/06/2024 05:00 - 06/06/2024 16:18) :

DO Values erroneous and then flatlined.

2024180+1355 (acknowledged, dpetter1)
do : 2024172+2100,2024176+1642 (06/20/2024 21:00 - 06/24/2024 16:42) :

DO values flatlined.

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