- 2022208+2039 (retired, zhasdorff)
Large Rainfall on 07/08 and battery @ 11.8 and falling.
- 2022192+1335 (retired, dvargas10)
2022117+1400 (04/27/2022 14:00 - 04/27/2022 14:01) :
Station damaged.
- 2022136+1324 (retired, dvargas10)
2022117+1460 (04/27/2022 15:00 - 04/27/2022 15:01) :
-all parameters NA
- 2021167+1520 (retired, jrizzo)
Wind speed and wind direction data are for quality control on precipitation data and are not representative of actual values
- 2019278+1631 (retired, jrizzo)
No data
- 2019261+1408 (retired, jrizzo)
No data
- 2019108+1424 (retired, dburch)
- 2018247+1402 (retired, dburch)
2018242+1312-2018243+2200 (08/30/2018 13:12 - 08/31/2018 22:00) :
IP modem was unresponsive and hindered data. Replaced modem and data resumed
- 2015163+1538 (retired, lloyd)
Wind speed and wind direction data are for quality control on precipitation data and are not representative of actual values
- 2015056+1222 (retired, amendoza)
No data
- 2014332+1948 (retired, lloyd)
No data
- 2014322+1202 (retired, amendoza)
No data
- 2014286+2155 (retired, lloyd)
No data
- 2014201+1246 (retired, jrizzo)
No data since 2014197+1500
- 2013354+1516 (retired, lloyd)
Suspect baro