Bench Mark Summary
26 Jul 2024 23:32 UTC 2024208+23:32 UTC
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185: Nueces Bay

27° 49' 57" N   97° 29' 9" W
The Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program

Excel Spreadsheet

Bench Marks

Stamping SPSN Disposition Accepted
NGS PID Last Observed Location
5244 Aquatrak 4408 good Jun 03, 2015
5244 A 2010 4411 good 10.000 Jun 03, 2015
5244 B 2010 4412 good 10.321 Jun 03, 2015
5244 C 2010 4413 good 10.382 Jun 03, 2015
5244 D 2010 4414 good 10.282 Jun 03, 2015
5244 E 2010 4415 good 10.859 Jun 03, 2015

Benchmark Map


Relative to station zero (m):

Leveling Date Bench Mark smcorr valid
4408 4411 4412 4413 4414 4415
View more levels
  Accepted Values - 10.000 10.321 10.382 10.282 10.859  
- primary water level adjustments have been verified for the indicated levels

Relative to PBM (m):

Leveling Date Bench Mark smcorr valid
4408 4411 4412 4413 4414 4415
View more levels
  Accepted Values - 0.000 0.321 0.382 0.282 0.859  
- primary water level adjustments have been verified for the indicated levels

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Page last modified on May 15, 2009, at 10:09 AM
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