Station Messages
12 Mar 2025 04:28 UTC 2025071+04:28 UTC
Overview Datums Bench Marks Data Query Site Visit Daily QC Messages Attributes
185: Nueces Bay

27° 49' 57" N   97° 29' 9" W
The Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program

2024243+2201 (active, ndurham1)
ALL : 2024239+1500,now (08/26/2024 15:00 - 03/12/2025 04:28) :

Station and all electronics removed. They are filling in the body of water where the station was located.

2024110+1546 (retired, dsteffan)
aqtwl : 2023317+1506,2023318+1830 (11/13/2023 15:06 - 11/14/2023 18:30) :

No satellite messages from station. AQTWL/BUBBWL/MWWL only parsed from NESDIS/LRGS messages.

2024110+1546 (retired, dsteffan)
ALL : 2024034+1100,now (02/03/2024 11:00 - 03/12/2025 04:28) :

Data spotty. Communication issue likely.

2022334+1622 (retired, dsteffan)
bat :

Battery voltage falling

2022334+1622 (retired, dsteffan)

Station is offline. Per NOAA The Data Processing Team is requesting that you download the data, if possible, from 11/23/2022 04:36 up to your site visit.

2022088+1436 (retired, zhasdorff)

no data

2021286+1312 (retired, jrizzo)

No data since 10-02-21

2021113+1346 (retired, jrizzo)

Battery voltage dropping

2021060+1402 (retired, dburch)
ALL : 2021046+0230 (02/15/2021 02:30 - 02/15/2021 02:31) :

Battery dropped below 9V resulting in loss of data. The battery will be replaced during the next station visit.

2021060+1402 (retired, dburch)

Battery dead

2020057+1533 (retired, jrizzo)
2019017+1528 (retired, jrizzo)
2018302+1853 (retired, llloyd)
ALL : 2018246+1130 (09/03/2018 11:30 - 09/03/2018 11:31) :

No data dissemination starting 2018246+1130. Cannot connect to the IP modem remotely.

2018093+1226 (retired, llloyd)
2016347+1411 (retired, lloyd)
wtp,clb,cla : 2016326+0318 (11/21/2016 03:18 - 11/21/2016 03:19) :

CalA/calB reporting intermittent erroneous values

2016295+1402 (retired, lloyd)
pwl : 2016293+1648 ( - 01/01/1970 00:00) :

No PWL data starting 2016293+1648

2015309+1454 (retired, blorentson)

CL A&B, Baro and WTP data intermittent

2015307+1530 (retired, lloyd)
wtp,clb,cla,bpr : 2015306+0012 (11/02/2015 00:12 - 11/02/2015 00:13) :

CalA, CalB, and water temp. reporting out of range starting 2015306+0012. Barometric pressure not reporting starting 2015306+0012

2015138+1257 (retired, blorentson)

WDR incorrect, indicating NW winds while all others are SE.

2014283+1217 (retired, jrizzo)
pwl : 2014282+0000,2014282+0200 (10/09/2014 00:00 - 10/09/2014 02:00) :

Created by gapfind

2014166+1332 (retired, jrizzo)
pwl : 2014149+1500,2014149+2000 (05/29/2014 15:00 - 05/29/2014 20:00) :

Created by gapfind

2014047+1256 (retired, jrizzo)
pwl : 2014046+2000,2014046+2200 (02/15/2014 20:00 - 02/15/2014 22:00) :

Created by gapfind

2013150+1343 (retired, lloyd)

WTP reading high.

2013150+1343 (retired, lloyd)
pwl : 2013144+1300,2013144+1600 (05/24/2013 13:00 - 05/24/2013 16:00) :

Created by gapfind

2013150+1343 (retired, lloyd)
pwl : 2013143+1400,2013143+1700 (05/23/2013 14:00 - 05/23/2013 17:00) :

Created by gapfind

2013149+1743 (retired, blorentson)

Need to restart WTP

2013145+1304 (retired, jrizzo)

Cal B not tracking cal A

2013145+1304 (retired, jrizzo)

No pwl data

2013057+1050 (retired, ussery)

clb not tracking cla. sensors now tracking.

2012277+2011 (retired, lloyd)

wtp spiking with negative values. Water temperature sensor replaced on 2012276+1600

2012221+1334 (retired, rperez)

Cal B data suspect starting 6/14/12

2012221+1334 (retired, rperez)

WTP reading low.

2012146+1805 (retired, jrizzo)
pwl : 2012133+1100,2012133+1500 (05/12/2012 11:00 - 05/12/2012 15:00) :

Created by gapfind

2012103+1345 (retired, lloyd)

Little data received since 2012097+1400

2011336+1442 (retired, lloyd)
pwl : 2011319+0300,2011319+0500 (11/15/2011 03:00 - 11/15/2011 05:00) :

Created by gapfind

2011300+1612 (retired, lloyd)

Server did not disseminate data from 2011296+0918 to 2011297+1000 except parameters transmitted via GOES

2011278+1924 (retired, rperez)

Barometric pressure, cal A, cal B and water temp. readings sporadic. IP modem not reporting all of the time.

2011278+1924 (retired, rperez)

No data received since 2011272+2000. Replaced satlink 2, now operational.

2011159+1034 (retired, ussery)

No data ip modem.

2011147+1317 (retired, ussery)

Pwl data not being reported since 2011146+1700. c1 changed by DNR IT.

2010033+1248 (retired, ussery)

PWL spiked high at 11.2m

Page last modified on May 15, 2009, at 10:09 AM
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