Daily Quality Control
26 Jul 2024 23:57 UTC 2024208+23:57 UTC
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185: Nueces Bay

27° 49' 57" N   97° 29' 9" W
The Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program Coastal Bend Bays and Estuaries Program

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DCP Statistics

    185 24208 213254 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209W 079  OK  OK 24 33  0 NN
    185 24208 213854 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209E 079  OK  OK 30 44  0 NN
    185 24208 214454 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209E 079  OK  OK 36 44  0 NN
    185 24208 215054 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209W 079  OK  OK 42 33  0 NN
    185 24208 215654 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209E 079  OK  OK 48 45  0 NN
    185 24208 220254 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209E 079  OK  OK 54 45  0 NN
    185 24208 220854 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209E 079  OK  OK  0 44  0 NN
    185 24208 221454 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209W 079  OK  OK  6 33  0 NN
    185 24208 222054 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209E 079  OK  OK 12 45  0 NN
    185 24208 222654 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209E 079  OK  OK 18 44  0 NN
    185 24208 223254 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209W 079  OK  OK 24 33  0 NN
    185 24208 223854 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209E 079  OK  OK 30 45  0 NN
    185 24208 224454 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209W 079  OK  OK 36 33  0 NN
    185 24208 225054 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209W 079  OK  OK 42 33  0 NN
    185 24208 225654 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209E 079  OK  OK 48 45  0 NN
    185 24208 230254 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209E 079  OK  OK 54 44  0 NN
    185 24208 230854 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209W 079  OK  OK  0 33  0 NN
    185 24208 231454 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209W 079  OK  OK  6 33  0 NN
    185 24208 232054 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209W 079  OK  OK 12 33  0 NN
    185 24208 232654 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209E 079  OK  OK 18 44  0 NN
    185 24208 233254 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209W 079  OK  OK 24 33  0 NN
    185 24208 233854 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209W 079  OK  OK 30 33  0 NN
    185 24208 234454 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209E 079  OK  OK 36 44  0 NN
    185 24208 235054 G NUEBAY 87752441  GOOD G 209E 079  OK  OK 42 45  0 NN


  Alert Count Station ID Age By Alert message
alert login 1 185 - NUEBAY 4+17:56 nwspoll ?too many retries...abort
alert bwlsensor 2605 185 - NUEBAY 00:01 nesscan lrgs-2024208.nes[41245]: Not sure what to import as bwl among (aqtwl), skipping. Are sensor-specific corrections up to date?
noise retry 19 185 - NUEBAY 5+17:56 nwspoll ?could not connect to ip modem...retry 1
alert connect 8 185 - NUEBAY 5+17:56 nwspoll ?too many retries connecting to ip modem...abort


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