- 2014025+2035 (note, lloyd)
2014024+1942 (01/24/2014 19:42 - 01/24/2014 19:43) :
Station was temporarily removed due to construction to widen Oso Creek and expand the Oso Creek overpass on FM 43. Station will be reinstalled as soon as construction is complete.
- 2023013+1428 (retired, dsteffan)
rain :
Precip is flatlined for extended period of time
- 2023002+1421 (retired, dsteffan)
Battery died
- 2022252+0023 (retired, ndurham1)
sth :
Stage Height sensor flatline on 07/08, sensor found underwater.
- 2020321+1214 (retired, jrizzo)
bat :
Battery voltage dropping, now @ 11.5V
- 2020289+2132 (retired, jrizzo)
Battery dead
- 2020255+1820 (retired, jrizzo)
Data missing
- 2020191+1342 (retired, jrizzo)
Battery issues continue.
- 2020174+1316 (retired, dburch)
Battery dead
- 2020013+1536 (retired, jrizzo)
No data, battery dead.
- 2019352+1559 (retired, jrizzo)
Battery dead
- 2019332+1424 (retired, jrizzo)
- 2018220+1248 (retired, llloyd)
- 2016174+1652 (retired, lloyd)
Station was removed due to expansion of bridge. Station will be reinstalled as soon as construction is complete
- 2013288+1529 (retired, lloyd)
Water level above NAVD88 is currently reporting air gap distance until processing of levels are complete. Data are preliminary, subject to change and should not be used
- 2013262+1055 (retired, amendoza)
- 2013252+1100 (retired, amendoza)
No data
- 2013171+1111 (retired, amendoza)
little data recovered