- 2015163+1534 (info, lloyd)
Wind speed and wind direction data are for quality control on precipitation data and are not representative of actual data
- 2022015+0316 (retired, ndurham1)
Data flatline
- 2021335+1414 (retired, dvargas10)
All data flat line
- 2021209+1332 (retired, jrizzo)
Data flatline since 07/06
- 2020013+1821 (retired, dburch)
Battery data suspect
- 2019332+1423 (retired, jrizzo)
Battery data suspect
- 2019317+1510 (retired, jrizzo)
Wind data suspect.
- 2018078+1927 (retired, lloyd)
2018073+1524-2018073+2206 (03/14/2018 15:24 - 03/14/2018 22:06) :
Station not disseminating data due to scheduled TAMUCC power outage starting 2018073+1524 (station is polled through CBI datalogger powered at TAMUCC). Data dissemination resumed at 2018073+2206.
- 2016005+1437 (retired, blorentson)
BP data flatline @ 1.0
- 2015364+1451 (retired, jrizzo)
wdr,wsd :
2015359+1748 (12/25/2015 17:48 - 12/25/2015 17:49) :
Wind sensor data flatline starting 2015359+1748. Sensor malfunction suspect
- 2014057+2052 (retired, lloyd)
- 2014044+1945 (retired, lloyd)
No data since 2014044+0000
- 2013350+1155 (retired, amendoza)
- 2013078+1314 (retired, lloyd)
Batt voltage suspect
- 2012284+0929 (retired, ussery)
Wind direction does not track other stations.