28 Feb 2025 17:17 UTC 2025059+17:17 UTC

The maintenance and operation of the Texas Coastal Ocean Observation Network has not been funded since August 31, 2014. Any inquiries should be directed to the Texas General Land Office.

We very much regret the inconvenience that has caused you.

We appreciate your interest in TCOON.

El mantenimiento y operación de la Red de Observación Oceánica Costera de Texas no se ha financiado desde el 31 de agosto de 2014. Cualquier consulta debe ser dirigida a la Oficina General de Tierras de Texas.

Lamentamos mucho los inconvenientes que haya causado.

Apreciamos su interés en TCOON.

003: Rincon del San Jose 057: Port O'Connor 273: Brazos Santiago Pass
005: Packery Channel 068: Baffin Bay 288: Enbridge Ingleside Water Level
008: USS Lexington 126: Texas Point 289: La Quinta North
009: Port Aransas 181: Realitos Peninsula 328: Viola Turning Basin Water Level
013: S. Bird Island 198: High Island ICWW 503: Morgans Point
015: Rockport 200: Sargent 504: Rainbow Bridge
017: Port Mansfield 201: Matagorda City 507: Eagle Point
018: Port Isabel 202: Aransas Wildlife Refuge 513: Manchester Houston
022: Galveston Pier 21 248: Galveston Railroad Bridge 518: Rollover Pass
031: Seadrift 270: Freeport Harbor Channel (SPIP) 524: Port Arthur
033: Port Lavaca 271: Matagorda Bay Entrance Channel 526: San Luis Pass
051: S. Padre Island Coast Guard Sta. 272: Aransas Pass Channel 529: Galveston Bay Entrance, North Jetty

Count: 36
Page last modified on May 15, 2009, at 10:09 AM
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