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248: Galveston Railroad Bridge

29° 18' 8" N   94° 53' 47" W
Texas Coastal Ocean Observation Network (TCOON) TCOON

Tidal Datums - Preliminary updated 2013148+1551 by jrizzo
Annual Summary - Monthly Mean Summary

The maintenance and operation of the Texas Coastal Ocean Observation Network has not been funded since August 31, 2014. Any inquiries should be directed to the Texas General Land Office.

We very much regret the inconvenience that has caused you.

We appreciate your interest in TCOON.

El mantenimiento y operación de la Red de Observación Oceánica Costera de Texas no se ha financiado desde el 31 de agosto de 2014. Cualquier consulta debe ser dirigida a la Oficina General de Tierras de Texas.

Lamentamos mucho los inconvenientes que haya causado.

Apreciamos su interés en TCOON.

Page last modified on May 15, 2009, at 10:09 AM
Texas A&M-University Corpus Christi Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi
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